Funding Guidelines

Internship funding is available to technology-based businesses and state and local agencies offering paid internships. Preference will be given to smaller businesses and employers seeking interns to fill technical and creative roles that require science, technology, engineering, and/or math (STEM) skills.

Funding is only reserved for an employer once an application is approved and an intern hire is reported. MTIP reimburses for fall, spring and summer internships only. 

To be eligible for MTIP funding assistance, the employer, internship position and intern hire must meet the requirements below:

Employers applying to receive funding support from MTIP must:

  • Submit a MTIP Application along with a paid, technical internship position for review and approval.
  • Be located in Maryland.
  • Be a technology-based business, non-profit organization or a state and local agency offering a technical internship.
  • Employ an intern who meets the MTIP funding eligibility below.
  • Participate in an online orientation and complete a short post-internship survey.

Important note:

  • A “technology–based business” is defined as a commercial or an industrial enterprise engaged in the application of scientific knowledge to practical purposes in a particular field.
  • Federal government agencies and public and private colleges and universities are not eligible for funding.
  • If approved for MTIP funding, employers may be reimbursed up to 50% of an intern’s wages, up to $5,500 annually per intern ($3,000 for the first semester and $2,500 for subsequent semester).

Employers must submit an internship description for review and approval by MTIP administrators.

Eligible internship positions must:

  • Have an identified staff member who serves as the intern’s supervisor and mentor.
  • Include a substantive technical project for the intern.
  • Provide a minimum of 120 hours of work per semester (over 8-15 weeks in the fall, spring, or summer).
  • Pay at least the current state minimum wage, $15.00 per hour.

Important note: If an employer has already selected an eligible candidate for an internship position and the intern has just started (2 weeks or less) or has not yet begun, the employer may still apply for MTIP funding.  The employer does not need to re-advertise the position but is still requested to submit the opportunity for review.


Employers seeking MTIP support must employ an intern who meets one of the four descriptions below:

  • Current college student, with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, who is attending a Maryland higher education institution.
  • Current college student, with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, who is Maryland high school graduate attending a higher education institution outside of Maryland.
  • Graduate (within 12 months) of a Maryland higher education institution.
  • Maryland resident, with a 2 or 4-year degree, who has been honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces, The National Guard or a Reserve component of the Armed Forces within the last 18 months.

Funding Limits and Terms

Eligible employers are limited to a maximum of 6 awarded internships in a fiscal year (Summer, Fall, Spring- June 1st to May 31st).  An employer may apply for no more than two funding awards for the same intern.

Funding will be reserved for an employer once an application is approved and an intern hire is reported.  If MTIP funding availability changes for any reason, employers will be notified.

NOTE: Fifty percent of MTIP funding must be allocated to technology-based businesses with 150 or fewer employees.

Reimbursement Process:

Once your intern has completed their internship with your organization and met the 120 hours  you will receive a DocuSign form that will start your reimbursement process.

  • A completed DocuSign form to set you up as a vendor in our system.
    • Your employer identification number (EIN)
    • A W-9 form or I-9 form
  • Follow email instructions to submit an invoice stating the following:
    • Your intern information (name, dates of service, rate of pay and hours worked)
    • Amount you are requesting to be reimbursed. Please ensure this matches your paystubs and that your math is correct
      • Payroll verification
      • Provide all of the pay stubs showing the time period the student worked for your organization