Eligibility Requirements (MIIC- State Agencies)

Internship funding is available to state agencies seeking to offer paid internships to to fill technical and creative roles that require science, technology, engineering, and/or math (STEM) skills.

To be eligible for MIIC funding assistance, the employer, internship position and intern hire must meet the requirements below:

Employers applying to receive funding support from MIIC must:

  • Submit a MIIC Application along with a paid, technical internship position for review and approval.
  • Be a state of Maryland agency.
  • Offer technology-based internship opportunities.
  • Employ an intern who meets the MIIC funding eligibility below.
  • Complete a short post-internship survey.

Important note

MIIC Reimbursement Amounts: (anything over the below amount must be covered by your agency)

Summer Session: $17 an hour * 40 hrs per week * 10 weeks = MIIC will reimburse up to $6,800 per intern

Academic Session: $17 an hour * 20 hrs per week * 15 weeks = MIIC will reimburse up to $5,100 per intern

Employers must submit an internship description for review and approval by MIIC administrators.

Eligible internship positions must:

  • Have an identified staff member who serves as the intern’s supervisor and mentor.
  • Include a substantive project for the intern.
  • Provide a minimum of 120 hours of work per semester (over 8-15 weeks in the fall, winter, spring, or summer).

Important note: If an employer has already selected an eligible candidate for an internship position and the intern has just started (2 weeks or less) or has not yet begun, the employer may still apply for MIIC funding.  The employer does not need to re-advertise the position but is still requested to submit the opportunity for review.

Employers seeking MIIC support must employ an intern who meets one of the two descriptions below:

  • Current college student, with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, who is attending a Maryland higher education institution.
  • Current college student, with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, who is a Maryland high school graduate attending a higher education institution outside of Maryland.

Important note: Interns who are funded through the program will have access to special networking and educational events and will be required to complete a post internship evaluation and survey.