June 2024



Name: Abhishek Goud Thamatam

Major and College: Data Science at University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Internship Title: Software Engineering Intern

Internship Site: Impruvon



1) Please tell us about your career goals.

My career goal is to become a proficient and impactful data scientist, leveraging my passion for data science to solve complex problems and drive innovation. I am particularly interested in exploring the intersection of data science, natural language processing (NLP), and large language models (LLMs). My aim is to contribute to cutting-edge research and develop practical applications that harness the power of these technologies to make meaningful advancements in various fields.

2) Tell us about your internship (i.e. day-to-day responsibilities, special projects/clients and work culture).

During my internship, I primarily focused on data science-related tasks and projects. A significant portion of my time was dedicated to developing an internal dashboard aimed at optimizing sales operations by harnessing data from cloud services, HubSpot, and databases. Additionally, I took the lead in creating a Python script for lead generation, which resulted in the acquisition of new leads. Overall, my internship experience provided valuable hands-on opportunities in data science and software development within a fast-paced and creative environment.

3) Describe the process of obtaining your position. When did you hear of the position and submit your application?

I learned about this opportunity shortly after completing the Fall 2023 semester. Intrigued, I promptly applied through the MTIP website, which led to a 30-minute phone interview with Mr. Justin Amoyal. Following a successful interview, I was delighted to receive an offer letter.

4) Which of the following resources did you use to find your current experience?

MTIP Website

5) What have you enjoyed the most about your position or organization?

What I’ve appreciated most about my role is the opportunity to immerse myself in the realm of data. Working with data has allowed me to uncover valuable insights, solve intricate problems, and contribute meaningfully. Additionally, being part of an organization that values data-driven decision-making has been both rewarding and intellectually stimulating.

6) How do you believe you have made an impact through your work?

I believe my work has made a tangible impact by leveraging data-driven strategies to empower the sales team in acquiring new leads. Through the development of innovative Python scripts and the creation of an internal dashboard utilizing data from various sources, I facilitated the enhancement of sales efficiency and provided actionable insights. This proactive approach not only streamlined lead generation processes but also contributed to a substantial increase in the acquisition of over 40,000 new leads, demonstrating the direct impact of data-driven decision-making on business outcomes.

7) What advice would you give to another student who is seeking an internship or similar experience (i.e. Internship search, Resume or Interview tips)?

My advice would be to consistently refine your profile, including your resume, portfolio, and online presence, while persistently seeking opportunities and networking within your desired industry. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks, as each experience contributes to your growth and journey towards securing an internship or similar opportunity.